Message from the President – July 2024

The second quarter of the year is now behind families. School students enjoyed either a two- or three-week holiday but somehow the pace of life did not slow down.

In meeting and listening to families over the course of term two, I continue to learn about the financial challenges that are being faced. As at the end of first term, many families in Queensland are legitimately struggling to afford necessities which means that paying for professional services is often out of reach.

It is a pleasure to announce that The Literacy Foundation for Children has continued to enjoy the privilege of providing financial support for children with literacy-based learning challenges.

Professional Service Provider List

An essential goal of the first quarter of 2024 was to establish a reliable Professional Service Provider List. Progress has been made but it would be wonderful to see more providers added to the list. The purpose of the professional service provider list is to assist parents to locate qualified and experienced professionals in various fields who have a positive reputation for helping children and families.

(continued from email …)

Learning disability is more complex than what most people may understand at first glance. Therefore, management often requires more than one discipline to be involved. The Foundation is looking for qualified and experienced providers in the following areas:

  • Educational Psychology and Neuropsychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Special Education and Literacy Intervention
  • Speech Pathology
  • Working Memory Specialists
  • Occupational Therapy
  • If you are a professional in one of these areas or perhaps a parent who has had a positive experience with a professional, please feel free to contact the Foundation and let us know your thoughts. We would be happy to discuss the possibility of adding you to our list.


    Most not-for-profit organisations struggle to attract volunteers, particularly for long periods. While the management committee works very hard the need for volunteers remains essential. The Foundation is looking for capable volunteers in the areas of Marketing, Social Media, IT and Event Management.

    If you feel you are able to assist, even for a couple of hours a week, and you have an interest in the work of the Foundation please make contact. We would be very excited to hear from you.

    Donations Gratefully Received

    As in the first quarter, it is humbling to reflect on the donations received so far this year. Typically, the vast majority have been anonymous personal donors. This is an ongoing reminder that Learning Disabilities like Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia are prevalent and keenly felt by many families and they are looking for ways to help.

    The Foundation continues to enjoy donations from wonderful like-minded charities such as The Hidden Initiative, the AJL Fundraising Group and Australian Philantropic Services. We are very thankful indeed for the generosity of individuals but also for the interest of larger organisations.

    It remains a privilege to continue to be part of the important work of the Literacy Foundation for Children.  I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the news!

    Jason McGowan

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