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Invitation to the 2024 Speaker Event and AGM

Hear the next instalment of ‘A Parent’s Story’
another heartfelt presentation from a parent as they share
their journey with their child’s learning disability

Date:              Thursday, 14th November 2024
Time:              6:30 pm to 7:00 pm – Speaker Presentation:
                       Parenting Story About The Journey With Dyslexia
                       (by Shaun Lippett)
                       7:00 pm to 7:45 pm – Annual General Meeting (all invited to stay)
Venue:           Radio 4EB Meeting Room, Kangaroo Point
                      140 Main Street
                      Kangaroo Point Q 4169
                      (Radio 4EB)
                      also AVAILABLE ONLINE VIA ZOOM
RSVP:           BOOK ONLINE (bookings essential)

  • Light refreshments provided
  • Street parking; limited off street parking available

Agenda for AGM:

  1. President’s Annual Report
  2. Financial Statements
  3. Appointment of Office Bearers:  President, Treasurer, Secretary
  4. Other Business as required

Members are invited to nominate and to vote by proxy for the Office Holder positions using the forms available below. Members will be notified of the nominees for Office Bearer positions by email 1 week prior to the AGM.  If nominations are not received for all positions prior to the AGM these will be accepted at the time of the meeting.

Attendance at the AGM is open to all.  However, you must be a member in order to:

  1. Nominate for Officer Holder positions on the Management Committee,
  2. Vote at the AGM, or
  3. Become a member of the Management Committee.

Membership is free. To apply, complete and return the form below.
The Management Committee is currently made up of President, Secretary, Treasurer and three other committee members.  The Committee meets approximately every six weeks.


PARENT SEMINARS:  we hold seminars throughout the year to provide information and support to families who are on a difficult journey with their child relative to their learning. Subscribe below and we’ll keep you up to date.

SCHOOL SEMINARS:  professional development sessions can be arranged which are tailored to the individual requirements of schools in return for a donation made by the school hosting the seminar.


View the stories of the families that we support

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